I am a licensed psychologist specializing in eating disorders, anxiety disorders and perfectionism.
My Therapeutic approach
My doctoral training at the PGPS-Stanford Psy.D. Consortium was based in third-wave CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) approaches, such as ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) and Dialetical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). I use meditation and values-based work in my practice, and I also integrate feminist relational and social justice frameworks in order to better understand the individuals I work with.
I believe a good therapeutic relationship is absolutely crucial, as I see my job as helping you to understand your own patterns in order to unlock the wisdom within. I trust that my clients will move towards great self-awareness and growth naturally if given the proper environment to do so - namely a supportive, engaged environment in which to practice vulnerability and authenticity. Once we are in touch with our inner wants and needs, we can more easily move towards what is truly important to us, rather than trying to satisfy ourselves with doing what we think is expected.
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Educational and professional background
Psy.D in Clinical Psychology from APA- Accredited PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium
M.S. in Clinical Psychology from APA- Accredited PGSP-Stanford PsyD Consortium
B.A. in Psychology from Boston College
APA-Accredited Postdoctoral Fellowship at Kaiser Oakland Enhanced Outpatient Eating Disorders Clinic
APA-Accredited Internship at UC Davis Student Health and Wellness Center, Eating Disorders Emphasis
Practicum student at Stanford School of Medicine Psychiatry Department
Counselor at McLean Hospital's OCD Institute